Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom Tooth Removal Clinic In Kelowna

The third molar to occur in the end part of the mouth is the wisdom tooth. It typically occurs at or after the age of 20. It frequently arrives late or is not present at all. Sometimes a wisdom tooth’s position is tilted, making it impossible for it to erupt normally. It applies pressure to the neighbouring tooth, which damages the nerves and roots of the teeth.

What is the procedure for wisdom tooth removal?

To determine the precise position and severity of your wisdom tooth, we will first take an x-ray of it. We, the top oral surgeon in Kelowna are available to help you with the procedure. Your tooth will be completely painless removed because we will numb it first. A wisdom tooth can cause many other problems as Damage to nerves, bad breath, swelling and pain in the mouth, tumors that cause pain, and shifting of the teeth. To make your procedure as comfortable as possible, our dental experts will advise you on medications and instructions to follow before and after extraction.

wisdom tooth extraction treatment near me

Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Kelowna (Wisdom Teeth Removal in Kelowna)

The last set of permanent teeth to erupt (appear) in the mouth are the wisdom teeth. Some individuals never get wisdom teeth. Normally they are free of symptoms or they cause tenderness of gums, swelling or redness of the gums, jaw pain, a sensation of a bad taste, gum disease, headache, constant bad breath, tumors, etc. The problems that arise because of wisdom teeth are they develop cavities, as they’re stuck in the gums it is harder to reach them with a toothbrush. A wisdom tooth cyst that forms around the roots or crown of an untreated wisdom tooth can harm bone and soft tissue. Another issue is the possibility of bacteria getting stuck in the region around the wisdom teeth, especially if a pocket has formed in the gums. If you want a treatment for the same then Apple Dental Clinic is the best wisdom teeth removal clinic in Kelowna.

Tooth Extraction Treatment Near Me

In our clinic; the wisdom tooth removal procedure is done under an anesthetic so that you don’t feel any pain during the procedure. The pressure of the tooth being forced out will probably be the greatest discomfort you experience, although anesthesia makes the surgery painless. We have the best oral surgeon that specializes in wisdom teeth removal surgery with years of experience. We have skilled and experienced dentists working in our clinic, which helps us to maintain our position at the top in wisdom tooth extraction in Kelowna. A crooked wisdom tooth can cause stable damage to teeth and result in an uneven bite function. Besides problems in the jaw and mouth, it can also affect overall health which causes headaches. A wisdom tooth infection can spread to other areas of the body and harm important organs like the heart or lungs. Thus, wisdom teeth should be extracted as they can cause severe issues later on.

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