Dental Filling

Dental Filling in Kelowna

Fillings are a popular dental procedure for repairing decayed, cracked, or broken teeth. Even if mild tooth decay has already set in, fillings can help save the natural tooth. When the enamel is worn away, small holes in the teeth are formed known as cavity. Minor cavities may grow larger if they are not filled in time to prevent further decay. Tooth decay might eventually spread. It might be necessary to extract the tooth and replace it with dental implants, a bridge, or other dental work. Fillings are frequently utilized to stop or postpone these procedures.

Dental fillings can be made of various materials including gold, porcelain, dental amalgam (silver), composite (white) resin and ceramics. Each type of filling material has a different set of advantages. A composite (white) filling, which most closely matches the appearance of your teeth, is the most popular filling material.

Dental Filling Treatment in Kelowna

General Dental Filling Services Near Me

Gold fillings are custom-made and are little expensive and requires multiple visits but are considered as best fillings as they last for more than 20 years and are well settled by gum tissues. Amalgam (Silver) fillings are easy to wear and are relatively less expensive than gold fillings. However, because of their dark colour they are quite visible than composite fillings and generally cannot be used in front portion of the teeth. Composite (white) fillings considered as inexpensive as compared and easy to go in almost one appointment. These fillings match the colour or shade of your teeth aesthetically and are used where natural teeth appearance is desired. The dentist and staff at our Kelowna clinic can assist patients, including kids and teenagers, in making decisions and in carefully considering all of their options to determine which one is best for their particular circumstance.

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