Dental veneer treatment

Dental Veneer Treatment Clinic in Kelowna

Veneers are porcelain shells that can be used to alter the shape and colour of your teeth. Veneers are an excellent way to improve the appearance of your smile. Veneers can be used to conceal discoloured and crooked teeth, giving them more appealing appearance. Veneers can give the appearance of straight teeth even if your front teeth are slightly crooked. In order to correct flaws and produce symmetrical, white, and naturally-looking teeth with little to no maintenance, veneers are covers that are attached to the front surface of a tooth. Furthermore, if there is spacing between your front teeth, veneers can be used to close those gaps. Veneers are usually applied in two-three appointments. In first appointment, you will discuss the type of veneers to be applied on your teeth.

dental veneers treatment clinic in Kelowna

Dental Veneers Treatment Near Me

The dentist will look upon your oral issues related to gum disease, cavities or infections which could impact your suitability for veneers. Composite resin or porcelain is mostly used in veneers. About half a millimetre of the front tooth will be trimmed off which will be covered through veneers and then sent to laboratory so your veneers can be customized accordingly. After your custom-made veneers are ready your dentists will fit it considering the exact shape, size and colour. Inquire with one of our dentists about using veneers in cosmetic dentistry to improve your smile today!

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