Pediatric Teeth Treatment in Kelowna
“Prevention is better than cure” With the advancement of technology in today’s world, it is not possible to prevent cavities and oral diseases at an early age. The child’s dental care problems include thumb sucking, mouth breathing habits, teeth cavity, retained milky tooth, emergency for fractured tooth, crowding of teeth, dental pain due to teeth, and uneven teeth.
Child’s care includes fluoride treatment:
Here, a gel or varnish is coated on the tooth surface to make it stronger and prevents dental cavities. This process is not time-consuming. It supports tooth enamel and surrenders the bacteria that affect the tooth and gums. Before getting any dental treatment at any age, give your full medical history to your dentists to avoid situations in the future.
Our doctors at Apple dental clinic specialize in treating children with dental issues and improper oral hygiene. Make your child’s first dental visit fun and loving with our support staff and pleasant environment. Our consults will guide you on taking care of your child’s dental care from an early stage.